The theme of this blog has been about change. I started it during a period of great change in my life and things just continue to change. Some good, some bad. Even the bad changes have brought me to where I am at right now.
Which is in a good place. The big change this month was on June 2, when I took my two youngest kids to Atlanta to meet their dad. They were to stay there a month.
Thursday I got a call from their dad. I was standing in the kitchen with Mistah* when he heard my phone. I realized it was my ex's ringtone and I kinda freaked out. By the time I got back to the phone, I had missed the call. So I called him back.
"The Evil Genius** wants to come home," he said.
"Okay." I said, my mind reeling. I had no money and the next day was a required work day, payroll Friday.
"I told Lastborn that he had to come home too, since you won't want to make two trips out here in one month."
My mind still reeling, I told him I could probably come this weekend. He said to let him know. I immediately texted my mom, my boss and my daughter. First to call back was mom. The money problem was taken care of. The next person to call back was my daughter and that call was the hardest.
She was crying, and she being her mother's daughter, she doesn't cry much- and she was crying the ragged, sobby tears that neither one of us EVER cry unless it is BAD. It immediately shot me back to a dorm room in Terre Haute Indiana when I was about her age, away at band camp and miserable. Lost. Alone. Afraid. My mom came and got me.
Long story short (too late), my boss told me to go get my kids and take care of the payroll remotely and it would all work out. I left my house the next morning at 6:30 and didn't get home until 2 AM, with both kids in tow. They were happy to be home. I was happy to have them home.
I sighed a little for my month of freedom being cut short and I sighed a lot at the fact that I won't be able to catch up financially this month by spending almost nothing. But I have a lifetime to do what I want after they grow up and leave, and I have been poor for a lifetime and have good friends who take care of me.
Someone asked me today, "What if you had just said no? It is impossible? What would have happened then?" The truth is that I would have figured it out anyway. Nothing is impossible when it comes to my kids.
So now I get to figure out some new adventures to have with them, instead of my glorious month of freedom. I'll take it. :)
*Mistah = the boyfriend. He can make up his own nickname if he doesn't like it, ha.
**My daughter.
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